Enterprise Fitness Podcast
Welcome to the Enterprise Fitness Podcast – your backstage pass to remarkable health transformations and fitness journeys. We’re the personal training studio renowned for those awe-inspiring before-and-after pictures you’ve double-taked at, with a proven track record of real, sustainable results.

Friday Sep 28, 2018
Friday Sep 28, 2018
Ask Charles Poliquin;
Interview with the worlds most successful strength coach
This podcast is proudly brought to you by www.maximusmark.com and enterprise fitness.
Hey, hey folks,
It’s Maximus Mark and welcome to the show that punches you in the face with information,
But in a good way its Maximus Mark radio…
And today is like Christmas day; I am interviewing Charles Poliquin!
Charles is hailed as the worlds most successful strength coach, having trained and consulted with Olympic gold medallists, celebrities and actors, royalty and is leading the way in strength, nutrition and supplementation education…
I am proud to say I am one of Charles students, and it is a pleasure to welcome the man, Charles Poliquin to the show…
Welcome Charles!
1. How did you become the world’s most successful strength coach?
2. Obviously after all these years; you are no longer needing to work for money, fame or recognition; so now, what motivates or inspires you to get up in the morning and do what you do? 2. A) Why push yourself to come up with better supplement formulas and protocols?
3. If you were to start all over again; what’s 1 thing you wish you knew then that you know now?
4. In class, you said that you have lost everything twice… How does did you bounce back … twice?
5. For the benefit of the listener; can you speak about what BioSignature is and how it works?
6. So how did you develop the method?
7. What do you see as being the next big trend in the fitness industry?
8. Now you’re an advocate of the paleo diet but you also don’t recommend fasting, and encourage the use of post work shakes with carbs added in. However these dietary habits aren’t specifically paleo. My question is, were do you draw the line between paleo nutrition and bodybuilding/optimal body comp nutrition?
9. Adrenal Fatigue; very common in the bodybuilding and figure world, I see people who have or about to have adrenal fatigue. What are some steps that they can do today to pick themselves up out of their slump?
10. What are 2 must read books on the topic of exercise and training?

Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
Wednesday Sep 19, 2018
Andrew Lock Questions
Welcome to The Wolfs Den. My names Mark Ottobre and my job is to breakdown the world of health, fitness and performance. My guest today is Andrew Lock.
Andrew is one of the worlds most sought after rehab professionals for athletes. His been on a lifelong quest pursuing excellence in rehabilitation.
If I read out just a few of his achievements, Andrew is
Accredited in the McKenzie Spinal Method
Completed his Masters degree in 2004, studying the resolution of intervertebral disc injuries.
His a Convenor of Australian Strength Scientists Association (ASSA).
The Coordinator “Ultimate Strength Summit” at the Arnold Sports Festival Australia 2019
A IFBB Pro League Judge
A Current Bench Press Australian AND World Record Holder
And the owner Functional Strength Rehabilitation which has clients all over the world. Andrew had advised and consulted with a diverse range of athletes including members of the Australian Cricket Team, Major League Baseball, Bodybuilders, football, MMA, and athletes in all Strength Sports.
I’ve know him over over 10 years, and love having him in teach and educate both the team here at Enterprise and the students at Wolfpack, so its my pleasure to welcome Dr. Andrew Lock!
Its great to have you on, were probably going to jump around today with a few different topics, but were I would love to start is; How much do you bench?
Now thats out the way, tell me your journey into physiotherapy?
How did you get to become a physio?
2. Would you describe yourself as a regular physio?
Why/why not?
What do you do differently?
What do others overlook?
3. What do you think is the biggest myth in physiotherapy?
3 a). What’s the prevailing lie you feel that gets repeated in traditional physio education?
(Note: if not discussed, prompt; Is it 80% of injury reoccur after the first 4 weeks? and 80% are resolved if they do nothing?)
4. Let's talk Pilates; who was Joseph Pilates and what happened in the Federal court of America?
5. Switching gears to something similar to this, the Kettle swing. It has been deemed as ‘bad” by some strength coaches. What are they missing?
6. So what is the worst thing you can do for a back?
6. a) and on back pain, one of the most common intervention is the humble backbend?
-do Demo
6. b) is it true, the way we should think about lower back pain is usually its the problem of the abs not working the way they should?
Audience ask; does anyone here have lower back pain?
Let get them up…
So question for you;
using the humble bodyweight squat as an assessment, we can see that this guy tucks his hips under, which would indicate his abs are too weak. if we give him something to counterbalance, the issue goes away.
Is it as simple as that, or what are we missing here?
What else should we be looking for?
7. Deadlifts.
It’s almost paradoxical. On one side of the fence you have people shouting deadlifts are bad, on the other, the most absurd and ridiculous technique that's touted as “as long as the bar is close to the shins its some how ok.
Now you’ve studied world champion deadlifters, what’s the commonality you found?
(Note: if not addressed, ask about fishing hook spine and vertical tibias)
8. You’ve rehabbed shoulders using the bench press?
That’s counter intuitive - how does that work?
8. a) What’s your current best bench?
What have you done differently to achieve that level?
-Side questions if needed - incline, rotators etc
9. What’s the worse injury you’ve seen and the recovery?

Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
Wednesday Sep 05, 2018
http://personaltrainermentoring.com/ Mark Ottobre interviews Tony Doherty on the Wolf's Den. Tony and Mark talk about business, life, the Arnold Classic and so much more in this interview. A MUST LISTEN to get a stay motivated in business and smash your goals!

Sunday Jul 08, 2018
Sunday Jul 08, 2018
Bob Guiel - Advanced Detoxification - Enterprise Fitness Podcast
Bob Guiel and Mark Ottobre

Saturday May 26, 2018
Saturday May 26, 2018
Its Enterprise Fitness Podcast,
And today I will be speaking with Michael McEvoy from Metabolic Healing about a number of health issues including gut and digestion, adrenal health, the myth of acid and alkaline nutrition along with whole lot of stuff you have probably never thought of when it comes to why we get sick!
We are also going to look at what steps you can take today towards diagnosing, healing and supporting those functions.
Michael is a Certified Nutritional Consultant through the American Association of Nutritional Consultants. Michael is a Certified Metabolic Typing Advisor through William Wolcott’s Metabolic Typing Institute. He is also a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist through the Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Institute.
I’m super psyched about todays show, so Michael, welcome to the show!
1. Tell me how you got started as a health care practitioner?
2. What is it that you specialise in?
3. Let talk adrenal health, how do you diagnose someone who has poor adrenal health?
4. Can you talk a little bit about the 3 stages of adrenal fatigue?
I have a facebook question from Trevor – Trev asks – how does caffeine affect adrenal health?
And emma Verlato askes, does caffeine affect the gut?
5. How would you rectify adrenal health for someone?
6. Poor digestion often goes undiagnosed - how do you diagnose someone with poor digestion?
7. What do you do to support digestive problems?
8. Do you recommend supplements, if so, what supplements do you recommend and why (for general health?)
9. can you tell me about the The Myth of Acid/Alkaline Nutrition ?
10. "whats the difference between Functional Healthcare vs. Pathological, Allopathic Healthcare
11. "What is the best way to develop an effective nutrition system for any person?
12. Final thoughts?
13. How can people get in touch with you?

Thursday May 17, 2018
Thursday May 17, 2018
John Demartini is a renown author and speaker, he has literally touched millions of people across the globe with his work. He is considered one of the worlds leading authorities on human behaviour and personal development.
Today we have the pleasure of speaking to John about health and the mind. Some say disease and health are all in our mind and manifestations of us not living true to our values… today you will be treated to an insight by a very amazing man…
With that said, I would like to welcome Dr. John Demartini to the show, welcome John!
Hi John, its Mark Ottobre here, how you doing?
thank you so much for coming on the show today, your work has made a profound impact on my life, so I am really looking forward to sharing your knowledge and wisdom with all my listeners and readers today…
So lets get into it…
1. I have heard you talk about the mind and bodies relationship before… I believe in one of your programs, Prophecy 2 you talk all about the manifestations of the mind and body is that right?
2. Can the mind really heal the body?
3. Something that you taught me… There are parts of our body that we will despise and love …we will never get rid of this; what can people do to overcome the fantasy of trying to be perfect?
4. There seems to be so much more sickness and disease today than there was 50 or 60 years ago… What do you think this is related to?
5. You have spoken about people with diabetes have a bitterness and people with hyperglycaemia have a “sweetness”. Can you explain what is meant by this?
6. What are things like anorexia or body dysmorphia linked to emotionally?
7. Do think people gain benefits from being sick… ?
8. You have spoken about cancer many times, what behaviourally themes have you found with cancer patients… e.g Black and White thinking?
8. a) Do you think this is true even with children?

Sunday May 06, 2018
Sunday May 06, 2018
Art De Vanny - Enterprise Fitness Podcast with Mark Ottobre
This podcast is proudly brought to you by http://www.melbournepersonaltrainers.com/ and enterprise fitness.
Hey, hey folks,
Its Mark Ottobre and welcome to the show that punches you in the face with information,
But in a good way
We have all heard of Paleo Nutrition, today’s guest is one of the kings and original thinkers of the whole paleo movement.
Today's guest is Dr Art De Vanny!!
Art graduated from Montebello High School in 1955 and signed to play professional baseball for the Hollywood Stars. He was one of the very few pro baseball players to lift weights, a now-universal practice, which led scouts to give him the nickname of Superman in their scouting reports.
The name stuck and recently the Times of London called Art Superman's slightly fitter granddad. Dr. De Vany went on to earn his Ph.D. in Economics at UCLA and to become a respected scientist who is known over the world through his articles and books. He is listed in Who's Who in America and Who's Who in the World and is the author of the acclaimed Hollywood Economics.
A lifelong student of metabolism and fitness, Art has lived as a Paleo/Athlete for some 30 years and is called a patriarch of the Paleo movement. He has blogged on the subject since the 1990s and continues to blog on the subject on his Evolutionary Fitness blog at www.arthurdevany.com. His is the author of The New Evolution Diet which you can purchase from amazon.
It is my absolute pleasure that I welcome, the Dr. Art Vanny to the show, welcome Art!
1. How did you become the patriarch of the Paleo movement… How did you get into health and fitness from being an economics professor?

Friday Apr 27, 2018
Friday Apr 27, 2018
Enterprise Fitness Podcast - Mark Ottobre Interviews Bruce Jones
Hey-Hey Folks,
Today’s podcast is one for the ages. I can guarantee you will not find a better article or podcast about heavy metals and chelation therapy anywhere else on the web. Why?
Because today I present to you “The Guy” on heavy metals, chelation and detoxification, Dr. Bruce Jones from the National Institute of Integrative medicine.
Before we get rolling its probably good to note that this show is aimed more towards BioSignature practitioners, Naturopaths, MD’s, nutritionists and Personal Trainers. However with that said, if you’ve been reading my blog for some time now, your obviously smarter than the average bear so you will have no problem digesting this great info!
In the health, fitness and wellness game there is a heck of a lot of opinions…Today’s podcast is not based on opinion, popular science or supplement sales. It’s the cold hard truth about how to detox heavy metals packaged in a neat hour-long podcast Enterprise style.
This show includes answers to the following questions:
• What is heavy metal toxicity and best methods of testing
• What to do if you have dental amalgams
• Common sources of heavy metals
• What supplements and protocols to use for safe and effective heavy metal detoxification
• Plus much, much more
Dr. Bruce Jones Bio
Dr Jones graduated from the University of Melbourne in 1980.
Following three years working in the public hospital system he worked in General Practice for many years, where he specialized in counselling and chronic pain management.
His particular interests lie in post-graduate Medical education, the Integrative approaches to the prevention & treatment of chronic kidney disease and the best practice management of heavy metal chelation & detoxification therapies.
Bruce presently serves as Senior Lecturer in Integrative Medicine at the National Institute of Integrative Medicine in East Hawthorn and is a member of the International Society of Nephrology.
We were lucky enough to have Dr. Jones at our Seminar were he blew the minds of all the participants when he dropped massive truth bombs about the affects of heavy metals and just how to detoxify them. Today I get to share Bruce’s knowledge with everyone who has an Internet connection.
Enjoy the podcast!
Check out http://www.melbournepersonaltrainers.com/ if you need help with your training, nutrition and supplementation plan.
1. Tell us about Bruce, how did Dr. Bruce Jones become Dr. Bruce Jones, one of Australia’s leading authorities on integrative medicine?
2. For the people at home who have never considered heavy metal toxicity, can you tell us a little bit about what it is and why / how might heavy metals become a problem for an individual?
3. Starting with the basics, how does one test for heavy metal toxicity?
4. So hair mineral analysis. What labs do you recommend for hair mineral analyse testing?
a) Are you able to comment as to why they are the only lab the NIIM recommend?
b) Gary Ruttan from California asks, is there any tests you can run to insure blood brain barrier integrity before starting heavy metal detox?

Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
Wednesday Apr 11, 2018
It’s Mark Ottobre,
and welcome to the show that punches you in the face with information, but in a good way,
Its The Enterprise Fitness Podcast!
And today, I have one of those shows…
You know the ones,
The ones that shines a light on main-stream nutritional and medical errors
Today I have on the line, Alan Watson, author of both Cereal Killer, the unintended consequences of the low fat diet and 21 days to a healthy heart. Alan founder his own herb and nutritional supplement business in 1989.
Alan is the and founder of the www.DietHeartPublishing.com where you can many articles dedicated to good nutrition and health.
And his books are available on Amazon so make sure you grab a copy!
So with all that said, welcome Alan to the show, its great to have you on!
1. How did you get into researching and writing about Heart disease and health?
2. Are you an advocate of the paleo style of diet?
3. Facebook question from Mike Demeter in Canada; What’s your take on paleo diets different demographics like children and seniors? Does it need to be tweaked?
4. In mainstream nutrition, they tell you Fat is bad for you – what’s wrong with this statement?
5. What is a good fat and a bad fat?
6. So is it ok to eat the skin on chicken?
7. What do you think is the biggest link to heart disease?
a. What are C reactive proteins?
b. Red Meat Colon cancer
8. Cholesterol – what does it do?
a. What is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol
b. Why are we all scared of cholesterol?
c. I remember reading an article on T-nation a while back that said, all hormones are formed from cholesterol which is found in fats. So therefore, I am wanting to naturally increase hormones like testosterone, which will help me build muscle lose fat, I should eat more fat…. Is that right?
9. Who was Ancel Keys and why is he important in the fat / cholesterol lie?
10. What’s the back story with canola oil? What is it?
a. Is it good for you?
11. What political factors are at play?
12. Lets talk calcium… when I tell clients to cut commercial milk and commercial diary, the first thing is “where am I going to get my calcium from?” can you talk a little about calcium and the magnesium relationship and why supplemental calcium is a bad idea?
a. What role does potassium play?
13. What are the most important supplements for protecting your heart?
14. Can you tell me about the inflammatory process? What cause inflammation in the arteries?
15. Final thoughts?
16. Were can people learn more about you?
17. Can you tell me about your books?
18. Were can people buy them?
Cereal Killer and blog
This podcast was brought to you by www.melbournepersonaltrainers.com - Australia’s leading force ipersonal training and education
Thanks for listening, be sure to grab a copy of Alans books!

Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Wednesday Apr 04, 2018
Jonny Bowden, The Rogue Nutritionist Unplugged: How To Eat & Think Yourself Healthy
Guest Speaker: Jonny Bowden, author of 9 best selling books including Living Low Carb and 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth
In this interview we cover:
• Jonnys journey into Health and Nutrition
• Why people struggle with weight loss
• What to do about feeling guilty about food
• What healthy people have in common
• Jonny’s 4 food groups
• How to reprogram your mind for health
• The one thing you need to stop eating
1. How did you get in to teaching health and nutrition?
2. Who have been your biggest influences in health and nutrition?
3. Everyone kind of ‘knows’ what to eat, but why do you think people still choose the wrong foods?
4. Why do you think so many people struggle with weight loss?
5. A lot of people ‘feel’ guilty for eating certain foods… Now I encourage my clients and listeners to eliminate all guilt entirely as it relates to food… What are your thoughts on guilt and food… I mean why do you think so many people have guilt associated with many foods?
6. A lot of people say they want to lose weight or if their savvy enough, they say they want to be lean. How do you help clients uncover their subconscious motivations for being exactly the way they currently are?
7. After you uncover those subconscious motivations & the client decides they'd like to shift their mindset to break the associations keeping them where they are, how do assist clients to shift their mindsets to give them the results they desire?
8. To what extent does our mindset influence our health? I mean as an example; Can we eat junk and think ourselves lean as much as we can nourish ourselves with a good clean diet, train like mad and still think ourselves fat?
9. Lets do this scenario, a 34 year old female with 2 kids walks into your office, she is 20 kilos overweight and she has been struggling with weight her whole life… What is the mindset shift that she needs to make?
10. How would you describe your health and nutrition philosophy?
11. What do healthy people have in common?
12. How can someone re-program their minds for health?
13. If you told someone to stop eating any one food, what would it be?
14. Were do you see the state of the worlds food supply going?
15. Can you tell me about your new program; http://naturalhealthsherpa.com/unleash/video/foreverthin
16. How can people learn more about you?

The Enterprise Fitness Podcast
In this podcast, we share our specialized knowledge, honed from years of working closely with a diverse range of clients, from champion athletes to everyday fitness enthusiasts. Join me, the founder of Enterprise Fitness, Mark Ottobre, alongside a rotating panel of our expert trainers every week, as we dissect effective training methodologies, smart nutrition strategies, and the inspiring stories of our clients.
Whether you’re looking to shed some weight, gain muscle, or simply get a little leaner, we’ve got insights and experiences that will help you achieve your fitness aspirations. No matter where you’re starting from, this podcast is designed to be a guiding light on your path to a healthier lifestyle.
See what sets Enterprise Fitness apart and immerse yourself in our community dedicated to health, fitness, and transformative journeys. Think of this podcast as your coach in your pocket, ready to educate and inspire you and help turn your aspirations into achievements, one episode at a time.
Tune in weekly to enhance your fitness knowledge, uplift your motivation, and ultimately integrate fitness seamlessly into your everyday life. Join us and let’s break through your goals!
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